Avoid The Expensive Pitfalls And Instead Get A “Divorce On Your Terms”
Welcome to the “Divorce on Your Terms” Program. This program is designed to help you resolve your property settlement with your ex-partner quickly, easily, and without exorbitant legal fees.
Hi, my name is Trevor Williams, and I have over 25 years’ experience in Family Law in Australia. I’ve seen all of the pitfalls – expensive mistakes, tricky lawyers, conniving ex’s – that can make going through property settlement a costly, stressful nightmare.
I’ve seen things that can add thousands, or even tens of thousands of dollars to the costs. Things like:
Choosing an inexperienced lawyer whose incompetence can lead to you getting a poor deal or the opposite – getting a barrister involved in the early stages (at $5,000 - $10,000 per day!), so paying substantially more than necessary.
Lawyers who know how to “milk the system” with tricks like lengthening proceedings so they can increase their fees, putting two lawyers on your case so they can charge double, or putting the junior on the case but charging partner rates.
Sneaky tricks by your ex such as continuing to spend up big on a joint credit card and expecting the ex partner to pay, creating an issue about alleged domestic violence or harassment on the part of the ex partner to force them out of the house or to dispose of or reduce the value of jointly owned assets.
I spoke to one woman recently who had an application sprung on her by her ex. She panicked and made some poor decisions. She told me that as a result her legal bill was hundreds of thousands of dollars!
I’m here to help you avoid all of those traps, and save you thousands of dollars
Why am I doing this?
Having met so many people who are separated but haven’t moved on nor resolved their property or divorce issues I felt compelled to create this program to give such people the information they need to move on and make good decisions about their family law property settlements
For over 25 years I have seen so many people become victims of the system and I have a passion and desire to help people to start thinking for themselves and to be empowered as participants, to understand the process and to make informed decisions about property settlement
Knowledge is power and the more information I can relay to my members in a friendly, easy to understand manner the more confident they will be in knowing the way forward and what options they have
Too much trust is given to lawyers and too much is left to lawyers to do when it comes to property settlement; this program will enable people to be involved in the process; lawyers can make it sound confusing; but let’s simplify it, let’s be involved, let’s keep the costs down
It angered me to see statements of hundreds of pages, a lot of which was inflammatory, unnecessary and probably costing the client thousands of dollars; client’s blind trust in what was necessary motivated me to show people a better way
My goal is to help minimise the stress and anxiety of participants in the family law property settlement process and to reduce the financial burden that such a process often brings
My members will be proactive participants in the process and achieve the best outcome they can; they will not be victims or unwilling participants spat out of the end and poorer for the experience; they will be able to analyse their situation objectively, know their options and be able to determine the best course of action with the likely outcome
To help you navigate the property settlement minefield, I’ve created a unique program to help:
Put you in control of the process, thereby reducing your stress
Minimise the costs, by making sure you pay no more than you need to in legal fees
Teach you about the process (in plain English!), so you have the right documents ready at the right time, making the whole process quicker, cheaper and less stressful
And most importantly – help you avoid a court hearing if possible, getting you the best outcome while saving you thousands of dollars
Introducing The “Divorce on Your Terms” Program For A Stress-Free Property Settlement
The unique Divorce on Your Terms Program is based on my 25 years’ experience in Family Law in Australia. The program is designed to resolve your property settlement quickly and cost-effectively.
Here’s what you learn in the Divorce On Your Terms Program:
How to prepare for property settlement
How to be mentally strong, and have the right mindset to tackle the job
The steps in the process so there are no nasty surprises
Various methods available to resolve your property settlement with your ex – how each one works, their pros and cons, and the cost of each one
How to choose a great family lawyer
How to work with your lawyer, saving heaps of money and time
How to avoid the pitfalls of poor legal advice, including the sneaky lawyer tricks that can add thousands to your legal bills
Plus loads more…
Click on the link below to get instant access to the Divorce On Your Terms Program
Join the “Divorce On Your Terms Program” for the trial price of just $49.00 for the first month*
*After the first month the price reverts to just $99.00 per month. You can cancel at any time.
I’m so confident in the effectiveness of my system, that provided you follow my instructions… I guarantee you’ll save at least the cost of the program in legal fees, or I will refund your membership fees in full
Who is the program designed to suit?
This program is for you if you experience any of the following: